Pecan Crusted Eggplant Parm - Low Carb; GF; Delicious

This pecan crusted Eggplant Parmesan was a bit of an experiment but was even more tasty than I expected.  I made this for lunches so I will include how to take transport this and finish by microwave for a healthy, low carb, delicious lunch.

< I N G R E D I E N T S >
  • 1 Eggplant
  • 2 Eggs
  • 1 1/2 Cups Pecans
  • Grated Parmesan
  • 8 oz Mozzerella
  • Sartori Bellavitano Gold (or other shredded aged Parmesan type cheese for topping.  But Sartori Bellavitano Gold is better. hehe)
  • Dried oregano
  • Dried basil
  • Garlic powder
  • Salt
  • Black Pepper
  • Cooking oil spray
  • 1-ish Jar of Tomato Sauce 
  • Paper towels
Start off by slicing the eggplant in to about 1/2" slices.  I got about 15 slices out of mine.  Line your pan with paper towels and lay out the eggplant slices on top of the paper towel.  Then salt the eggplant with about 1 tsp of salt, I think I used a touch more.  Let this sit on the counter for 45 min to 1hr. 

The salt will draw water out of the eggplant.  Drawing out the water in this way causes the eggplant to bake to a firmer, more desirable texture as well as reducing possible bitterness.

Once the 45 minutes has passed you will see water has collection on the surface, take a paper towel and remove the excess water and salt.

Now put your 1.5 cups of pecans in a food processor.  The nuts will measure the same whole and pulverized.
Once pulverization is complete, put your seasonings and nut crumbs in a bowl.  If you are measuring then 2 tsp oregano and 1 tsp of basil, garlic powder, salt & pepper will do the trick.  If you are like me you eye things, in that case go heavy on the oregano and moderate on the others. And as this is eggplant Parmesan, don't forget the Parmesan like I did! (...but it's ok, I put some on later before baking, lunch was saved)

Now it is time to coat the sliced plant with crispy deliciousness.  So put two eggs into a bowl and beat them to submission....or until the yokes are mixed in.  Whichever comes first.

Now, there is a technique to this.  Maybe you know this and you are thinking, I don't need instructions on how to "bread" something.  Well, I am going to give them to you anyway.  First off, a plate is really the place you want your nuts, so pour your mixed crumbs on to a plate.  Dip the eggplant in the egg, then let it drip for a second, this will prevent excess egg from getting in the nut mixture.  If there is extra egg in your nut mixture it will clump the nuts and make them unusable for the coating process.

< -- Unusable Clump

The ideal is to coat the slice but not have it drip. But as with most ideals that's not realistic so get as close as you can.  Once the eggplant slice is coated in egg, then put one side in the middle of the crumbs and with light pressure move it in a circle.  Flip over, repeat, and put it on the oven tray.

I have a convection oven.  If you are not familiar, that means there is wind in the oven.  Typically this causes things to cook a little quicker and make them more crispy.  Regardless of convection or conventional, use 450 degrees, if you have conventional you may have to leave them in a little longer.  Take your can of cooking oil spray, spray the eggplants and put them in for 15 minutes. Flip and spray again about half way through.  At this point they should be crispy.  Now top with shredded mozz and put  back in the oven until melted.  Probably about 5 minutes.

 This is the part where you get to choose your own ending.  If you are making these for home, put your favorite tomato sauce over them and some shredded Sartori Bellavitano Gold and stick them in the oven for 5 - 10 min and enjoy.

If however you are like me and preparing them for transport, I recommend layering them using parchment paper.  I put them in a square Pyrex pan that has a lid. I folded a piece of parchment paper between each layer of eggplant and put them in the fridge.  This of course means you'll have to wait till they are cool enough to touch. 

When you want to prepare them take some tomato sauce (I used Muir Glen) and put it over top of the nut crusted discs along with some more cheese.  Throw that in the microwave until hot and enjoy!


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