Happy New Year - Achieving Resolutions

Christmas is over and another year has passed.  Now we all start to reflect on the past year and think about our resolutions following the last hurrah on December 31st.  In the past I've never been a big proponent of New Year's resolutions.  It seems so many times resolutions are idealistic ideas of how we will change for the better and the joke becomes how those ideas are shot to hell on January 3rd.  I approached the resolution question a little differently saying 'I resolve to not make any resolutions.'  I was destined to succeed in the new year having no definitive resolution on what I was going to change on January 1.  Doing or undoing anything at such a fixed point in time is difficult for everyone so instead consider connecting your resolutions to goals.

Resolutions are an important part of the achieving process but if one can't see the end result it is much more difficult do the hard work to get there.  This is where the distinction between resolution and goal becomes very important. 

Resolution:  The act determining upon an action, course of action, method, procedure, etc.
Goal: The result or achievement toward which effort is directed; aim; end.

Here are my 3 easy tips for making 2015 everything you want it to be:

1- Choose goals that are attainable.  For most of us earning 1 million dollars in 2015 is just not going to happen.  Even if you have a business plan, that amount of profit in the first year is pretty far fetched.  So, set a goal you think is achievable, otherwise you will probably find yourself remiss on Jan 3.

2 - Have a plan and don't expect to achieve your goal overnight (especially after partying the night before ;) ).  If your goal is to quit smoking and your plan is to go cold turkey on day 1, you are probably going to be miserable and lose motivation.  You might even even have your friends begging you to have a smoke or buy you some cigs.  Now, if your goal is to get free cigarettes that may not be the worst plan.

3 - Be specific.  I think it is important to see progress in order to say motivated.  Using the quit smoking example again, set a goal to smoke 3 less packs in the month of January or something to that effect.  Incremental goals will keep you on track and keep you motivated to continue. 

Make your resolutions to meet your goals in 2015 and keep you eye on the goal.  Decide what you want from 2015 and make it happen! Don't let 2015 decide for you :).  Happy New Year!


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